- Interior/Exterior
- Glossy
- Durable
Enhance Aesthetics and Functionality
Two-way mirrors, also known as one-way mirrors, are used by interior designers to add security and aesthetics to projects. These mirrors use a special technique involving light to make it appear that only one side of the mirror can be seen through, while the other side remains reflective.
When light hits mirrored glass, most of the light is reflected, allowing us to see a clear image of ourselves. However, the reflective coating is less dense with two-way mirrors than in traditional mirrors. This allows some light to pass through, creating a semi-transparent effect.
This semi-transparent effect controls the amount of light on either side of the mirror. If the room on one side of the mirror is brightly lit, while the other is dark, the viewer in the dark room will see through the mirror, while the viewer on the brightly lit side will only see themselves in the mirror.
Two-way mirrors can create a sense of privacy to split a room to have multiple functions simply by incorporating the right amount of light on either side to activate the reflection and opaqueness of the glass. Two-way mirrors can be incorporated into design elements such as walls, doors, and ceilings to add visual interest and create a modern, industrial feel.
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Features & Benefits

Suitable for interior & exterior applications

Highly durable

Can be used to achieve a variety of design goals

Easy to clean
Glass in Action
Choosing two-way mirrors is an innovative and effective solution for security and aesthetics in projects. These mirrors, also known as one-way mirrors, work by using light to create a reflective surface that allows light to pass through from one side while the other side is opaque. This unique feature makes two-way mirrors an excellent option for businesses that require privacy and security without sacrificing style.

Product Specifications
Browse through our technical information. If you have any other questions or wish to receive additional documentation, we encourage you to contact us.
Standards and Specifications
Goldray’s Two Way Mirror glass complies with all Goldray’s Two Way Mirror glass complies with all major building codes and meets the following industry standards:
- ASTM C1036 - Standard Specification for Flat Glass
- ASTM C1048 - Standard Specification for Heat
- ASTM C1172 - Standard Specification for Laminated
Applicable Standards:
- ANSI Z97.1 2015 UA: Passed
- Laminated Glazing
- Tempered Glazing
- 16 CFR 1201: Passed
- CAN/CGSB 12.1-2017: Passed
Glass Tolerances
Please refer to the Product Data Sheet for the glass thickness and weight.
Product Applications
- Traditional Glazing
Sustainability Certifications
Low Emitting Materials: Clean Air Gold Certified
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